Lefty and Right applies affliction which deals 26 base energy damage per second for 3 seconds. Lefty and Righty uses Space Pistols which fire piercing, bouncing lasers
Team Perk
Cool Customer
With Stay Frosty active, using an ability reduces cooldown of all abilities by 3 seconds and ends Stay Frosty.
REQUIRES: 5 heroes of Rare or higher rarity
Unlocked by: Master Grenadier Ramirez (Base Game)
Support Team
Assault Ammo Recovery
Dealing damage with assault weapons has a 24% chance to generate 1 ammo for the equipped weapon
Cluster Bomb
Frag Grenade explodes into 6 small grenades which each deal 16 base energy damage in a 0.5 tile radius
Requires commander with Frag Grenade ability
Eggs-plosive Entrance
Shockwave drops 3 egg bombs, which each deal 54 base damage to nearby enemies.
Requires commander with Shockwave ability
Saurian Might
Every 1 second, adds 3% of Current Health to Damage of next Ranged Weapon hit.
Eliminations heal you for 39 base health for over 3 seconds. Duration refreshes with additional eliminations