Reduces your Ability cooldowns by 40%. Stacks independently from other cooldown reduction perks.
Unlocked by: Jilly Teacup (Misfit Toys Questline)
Support Team
Four On The Floor
Seismic Smash leaves a pusling zone with a 0.5 tile radius at the end of its range which deals 56 base Energy Damage over 4 seconds and bounces husks inside
Requires commander with Seismic Smash ability
Ghoulish Cackle
Ability damage is increased proportionate to player Health missing.
Return To Sender
Seismic Smash returns to its origin point. Decreases Seismic Smash damage and impact by 25%
Requires commander with Seismic Smash ability
Seismic Smash
Seismic Smash applies a 3.3 second stun and 1,500 impact.