Saurian Vigor
Heal 2.125% of your max Health every 5 seconds

Saurian Vigor +
Heal 6.375% of your max Health every 5 seconds
Slam a grenade into the ground, knocking back and dealing **damage** energy damage to nearby enemies.
Frag Grenade
Throw a grenage which deals **damage** energy damage in a **distance** 0.5 tile radius.
Goin' Commando!!!
Equip a minigun which deals **damage** physical damage per shot and fires **shots** 18 shots per second.
Class Abilities
Supressive Fire
Consecutive shots against the same target deal an additional 3% Damage, up to 5 stacks. Bonus lost on target switch.
Stay Frosty
After 3 eliminations, increases Ranged Weapon Damage by 10% and Weapon Stability by 35% for 7 seconds. Additional eliminations refresh duration.