What’s New?
Bombsquad Kyle
Bolster your Hero’s armor with this new Legendary Constructor. This Hero is “The Bomb”.
Lost in Transit Beta Storm
Don’t get Lost.. in transit to this new Beta Storm. Locate the supply trucks and put them back on course!

Missions + Systems
- Beta Storm: Lost in Transit
- We’ve lost our supply trucks; Find them and put them back on course!
- You have 15 minutes to rescue 5 trucks and update their GPS’s to send them on their way. Some will be surrounded by the enemy, others will be under attack or need refueling.
- Most of the area is covered in a storm and the safe area is on the move! Rescue all the trucks and survive the storm until evacuation.
- Eliminate and Collect is now in the normal mission rotation and no longer a Beta Storm.
- Added 3 new possible bonus objectives.
- Sniper Eliminations
- Melee Eliminations
- Trap Eliminations
- Random encounters now start sooner and have less time between them.
- Once the storm reaches its smallest point the encounters become much stronger.
- Increased the required sample count objective:
- Stonewood - Unchanged
- Plankerton - From 15 to 20
- Canny Valley - From 15 to 25
- Twine Peaks - From 15 to 30
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the bomb to desync in Deliver the Bomb missions.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Bomb from being interacted with if a player joined an in-progress Deliver the Bomb mission.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Launch the Rocket mission controls from being interacted with if BluGlo was deposited before Ray’s dialog was complete.
- Abilities with charges now display a radial cooldown meter around the ability showing how much time is left before the next charge is ready.
- Abilities will now display the energy battery icon while unusable due to not having enough energy.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Reward Info could no longer be accessed with a gamepad on the Expedition Hero picker screen.
- The “Craft Ammo” and “Set Minimum Value” for the slider buttons on the Summon Defender UI are no longer tied to the same gamepad button.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Research button to get stuck in place.
- The choice card packs from the Llama opening sequence will now show the appropriate color for Mythic Heroes.
- Fixed an issue that caused gameplay objects to display a 0 damage marker when being destroyed without actually taking damage.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the edit palette from being visible when editing a building piece.
- Fixed an issue with the ambient storm effects turning off while on the mission select map and a popup menu was active.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the crafting material count from properly updating during the tutorial.
- The Defenders sub-tab UI icons will no longer overlap the other UI elements.
- The launch button in the player lobby will appear disabled until a mission is ready for players to launch into it.
- Fixed a navigation issue with the gamepad on the Loot opening summary screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to have the incorrect banner and power level in the lobby and/or party manager.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Respawn UI to not appear properly if a player goes down but not out while in the party invite menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused the crafting tab to show incorrect crafting material quantities.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “retire” option to be displayed on inspected weapons.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Perk UI to be displayed when inspecting an unslotted collection book weapon.
- Fixed an issue that was triggering the “insufficient XP” error while claiming collection book rewards.
- Fixed an issue where the Commander Hero was missing from the Command tab screen after returning from a mission.
- Removed Prioritize Favorites, Collection Book Indicator, and Reset Indicator options from the More menu on the Resources screen.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused a stutter when transitioning between abilities and melee attacks.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to hitch when loading into an in-progress mission.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to hitch when entering R.O.S.I.E.
- Introducing Bombsquad Kyle, a new Legendary Constructor!
- Standard Perk: Bomb Suit
- Commander Perk: Bomb Suit+
- Available in the Event Store on April 10 at 8 PM Eastern Time.
- Reorganized Blakebeard’s crew page in the Collection Book.
- Added Bombsquad Kyle to the Stowaways section of the Collection Book.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where using Avast Mateys as a Commander Perk wasn’t being displayed as Avast Mateys+.
- Fixed an issue where cannonballs fired from R.O.S.I.E. weren’t being teleported by the Teleporter Gadget.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Boom Base to be damaged by Anti-material Charge and Bull Rush.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the item details from properly updating when swapping Hero Loadouts.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Commander Perks from being added into tooltip calculations.
- The All Stats screen now correctly updates when the Tough Traps Hero Perk is removed
- Fixed the ability description text getting cut off in the Hero inspect details panel.
- Kunai Storm eliminations with Kunaihiliation now correctly contributes towards Kunai Collection. (That’s a lot of Kunai!)
- Fixed an issue where Overbearing didn't grant a damage increase and Overbearing+ didn't grant additional range.
- Fixed an issue with the tooltip for Goin' Coconuts+ displaying the incorrect damage bonus value.
Weapons + Items
- Double Boiler - Steampunk Shotgun
- Fires two slugs with medium accuracy and range, but has a reduced ammo capacity and a longer reload time.
- Available on the Weekly Store on April 10 at 8 PM Eastern Time until April 17 at 8 PM Eastern Time.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the Teleporter to appear on the Victory screen if held by a player.
- Added the missing reticle center dot to Cannonade and Jack's Revenge.
- Fixed a bug with the 6th perk of the Bundlebuss and Mercury LMG causing them to deal more damage than intended.
- These weapons have been made eligible for a reset.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Baron to not provide correct materials when recycled.
- Fixed an issue that caused Sir Lancelot's Joust to be able to carry minibosses.
- Fixed an issue where Sir Lancelot's Joust would bounce off enemy acid pools.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Joust to go through T.E.D.D.Y.
- Fixed an issue where the Steampunk Shrapnel perk failed to deal damage when the primary target was eliminated in the same shot.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Energy to spike up while using Steam Thrasher’s heavy attack: Maelstrom.
- Fixed an issue where Steam Thrasher’s heavy attack: Maelstrom would not deal damage on first and last swing.
- Fixed an issue that caused the level up UI to appear on a crafted Broadside Trap.
- Fixed an issue where the Broadside trap cannonballs weren't being blocked by a Super Shielder’s shield.
- Fixed an issue where the Broadside traps cannonballs were being blocked by the player if they were playing a Constructor.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect perks could be slotted into Jack’s Revenge 2nd and 5th perk slots.
- Resources have been refunded to players who’ve had these slots cleared.
- Fixed an issue that caused heavy attacks to not deal damage properly.
- Added separate controller sensitivities for building and editing structures.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where players would have no Hero abilities when rejoining a mission in progress if the game was closed before exiting the zone.
- The Autumn City zone no longer has missing walls and/or textures.
- Fixed an issue that caused a level 1 pickaxe to be visible during the intro cinematic.
- Fixed an issue that caused player clients to crash when traveling to the lobby after joining a friend’s party that is already in the zone.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the Storm King’s weak point health bars to be visible when they could no longer be damaged.
- Updated the audio for Med Bot reviving player.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where sound effects were missing when picking up the same item type multiple times.
- Fixed an issue that caused down but not out music to play longer than it should.
- Fixed an issue that caused the end of day audio loop to be stuck on as player score increases.
- Fixed an issue where the Ninja jump sound effects would not properly play from other player’s perspectives.
- Reduced volume of ambient jungle music in the Pirate Cove.
Xbox/Epic Account Linking
- Starting on April 11, once you link your Xbox account and Epic ID together, you'll be unable to link a different account to that console.
- You can unlink your accounts at any time but won't be able to link a new account that device.
Need to take a break but want to stay in contact? Try the new Sit Out feature, available now in Battle Royale and coming soon to Save the World!
- Use the menu at the top of the Social Panel to change your participation to “Sitting Out” to stay in the party without holding up ready checks or affecting game mode selection. For example, with three players in a party and one Sitting Out, the remaining two can select and queue for a Duos match.
- After your friends launch into the match you’ll still be able to talk to them using the Party voice channel.
- When they get back, switch your participation back over to “Playing” to get back in the action!
- Team Members in Battle Royale and Save the World now have icons indicating which Outfit they’re wearing in the Social Panel and Voice Chat Indicators. These icons will likely be added to more places in the HUD, let us know what you think!
- Added voice indicator widgets to more clearly call out party members that are speaking.
- Added settings to control whether or not you automatically switch to the Game voice channel when a match starts. The Game voice channel contains only the people in your BR Squad, Creative chat, or STW team.
- Reduced size and frequency of friend information updates when the Social Panel is hidden, should improve performance for people with a large number of players on their friend list.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Add Friends dialog on consoles to appear on a schedule even after the user had previous clicked “Add”.
- Fixed an issue that would cause a player to be removed from a Battle Royale match when kicked from the party.
- Optimized the network traffic used by the building mechanic to request new structures. Turbo building will submit requests to build new structures every frame after the initial delay.
- Added a new screen to communicate not being able to send a report.
- FPS counter in the front end now has a better font and won't overlap other UI elements.
Bug Fixes
Monitors with aspect ratios below 16:9 will have the same vertical FOV as those with 16:9 and above on PC and Mac.
- Fixed an issue preventing traps from triggering after a building blocking their triggering is edited or destroyed.
- Fixed an issue where weapon charging audio would play incorrectly while boosting on a Driftboard.
- Fixed an issue where launchpad animations would play incorrectly while on a Zipline.
- Canvas rendering now uses MPC uniform buffers correctly.
- Fixed local player’s mouth moving even while push to talk was not active.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the bottom bar being missing/obscured on the player reporting screen.
- Windows clients now support the RHI thread which improves the ability for CPU rendering work to happen in parallel and improves performance consistency in heavier scenes.
- Rendering CPU improvements for all platforms (UE4.22 new rendering features).
- Xbox One patching improvements to reduce download size while ensuring good I/O performance.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some texture streaming related hitches on Xbox One.
Known Issues
Want to track the top community issues? Head over to our Fortnite | Community Issues Trello board here.