What's New?
Hero Loadout
The new Hero Loadout system is here! This is a major change that impacts many areas of the game. See the Hero Loadout blog for details!

Love Storm
Love is in the air - everybody run! Homebase has fallen victim to a virulent love outbreak, and it’s up to Ray and company to break it off before things get too serious.

Plankerton Visual Update
Explore a new visual update for Plankerton, featuring the new Lakeside biome.

Missions + Systems
- New Beta Storm Mission: Eliminate and Collect!
- Jump into a new, 10 minute mission with the storm closing in fast!
- Eliminate husks and collect husk data, the more you eliminate the better rewards.
- Complete randomized bonus objectives each time you play.
- Beta Storm Mission Alerts will reward Spring Tickets and either Hero, Schematic, or Survivor XP
- Mission Alert Quota will be 5 every 24 hours. This will not share a quota with the other Alerts
- We’ve significantly increased the Hero XP, Schematic XP and Survivor XP rewards from Missions and Mission Alerts in Plankerton, Canny Valley and Twine Peaks.
- Plankerton: 2x for Hero XP and Schematic XP, 3x for Survivor XP
- Canny Valley: 3x for Hero XP and Schematic XP, 4.5x for Survivor XP
- Twine Peaks: 4x for Hero XP and Schematic XP, 6x for Survivor XP
Winter Tickets have been retired, with any excess converted into Winter Llamas.
- Mutant Storm mission alerts now grant Spring Tickets. Quota is unchanged at 10 every 24 hours.
- Legendary Troll Stash Llamas can be purchased from the Item Store for 1000 Spring tickets.
- Updated several normal progression quest rewards which grant Heroes. This will reduce the number of duplicate heroes received.
- Players who have already completed these quests will receive the new hero rewards upon login.
Bug Fixes
- The Three Strikes quest no longer gives credit for Power Level 64 group missions.
- Fixed an issue with how traps were counted in the Constructor Build-off mission causing the player built count to be reset.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Atlas to lose functionality in Fight the Storm Missions.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Ride the Lightning mission difficulty to be increased by a player who joined while the mission is in progress.
- Updated the collection book progress panel to handle the case where the player's current level is lower than their max achieved level
- Upcoming rewards that have already been earned have a checkmark
- The milestone reward is the next reward the player will earn in progression
- Reduced the length of tooltips for Gadgets.
- Removed “Cannot place due to obstacle!” and “Cannot place due to existing building!” announcements from appearing on the HUD.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect mission information to show up when changing zones.
- Fix stretched badge images in the Mission Stats menu of the Results screen.
- Added an action button prompt to items in the Llama opening summary when player is using a gamepad.
- Fixed an issue with evolution confirmation panel becoming unresponsive to navigation inputs.
- Fixed help text below Hero/Schematic level up confirmation to only show for items that can be recycled.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the upcoming reward icon to not appear next to the XP bar on the Command screen.
- Fixed subtitles to display in the correct position on cinematics and the HUD when using resolutions with lower aspect ratios.
- Fixed an issue that caused Hero Abilities to not properly show up while in game.
- Updated the Collection Book unslot confirmation message to show a name for Defenders/Survivors
- Fixed an issue with the transform item picker to not properly focus the scroll box of the details panel when returning from the item inspect screen.
- Fixed a visual issue that prevented stats on weapon/trap schematics from properly updating when upgrading perks.
- Fixed missing quickbar key prompts when switching game presets.
- Fixed ammo indicator not displaying when using R.O.S.I.E.
Optimized replication of items to reduce network bandwidth demands and help prevent out of sync issues during heavy combat.
Introducing : The new Hero Loadout System!
The new Hero Loadout System is now live in Save the World! Heroes no longer have a full set of static perks which define their gameplay. Instead, they’re focused on a specific perk, and you can mix-and-match perks to best fit your playstyle.
- Check out our Blog for a quick run down of the ins and outs of the new system, or watch our dev update video here!
- We realize it may be hard to keep track of all the changes to heroes in this patch, so we’ve made a sheet to help you discover builds and figure out what heroes to unlock with your vouchers!
- Added 8 new heroes to the game. These are rewards for completing new quests, which are extensions of the class-specific quest lines and unlock after Canny Valley SSD2.
- Archetype Havoc (Soldier)
- Liteshow Spitfire (Soldier)
- Dark Vanguard Airheart (Constructor)
- Conqueror Magnus (Constructor)
- Forged Fate (Ninja)
- Overtaker Hiro (Ninja)
- Valkyrie Rio (Outlander)
- Ventura Ramirez (Outlander)
- All players will receive a gift box upon login. This includes Hero XP, evolution materials, Legendary Flux, Hero Recruitment Vouchers, and training manuals.
- The amount of rewards scale based on account level.
- Hero Recruitment Vouchers are used to recruit heroes from the Collection Book. They can only be used to recruit Legendary or Mythic heroes from past events.
- The other materials can be used to recruit some non-event heroes from the Collection Book using the standard method.
Any player who owns Jingle Jess will receive one additional Hero Recruitment Voucher since she will remain a reskin of Enforcer Grizzly.
- All heroes have been marked eligible for Item Reset.
- All heroes in the Collection Book have been marked for a free one-time unslot. This only affects heroes currently in the Collection Book.
- Any Mythic heroes currently owned which grant a Team Perk will retroactively grant their Team Perk.
- Steel Wool Carlos and Steel Wool Anthony do not grant Team Perks, as they all combine for the Team Perk “BOOM B.A.S.E.”.
- Many of the Heroes which used to be reskins are now unique, and as a result need their own, unique names.
- Rarity
- Steel Wool Carlos is now Mythic rarity.
- Soldiers
- Renamed Marine Corpse Ramirez to Ghoul Trooper Ramirez
- Renamed Centurion Wildcat to Colonel Wildcat
- Renamed Raider Headhunter to Shrapnel Headhunter
- Renamed Raider Raptor to Buckshot Raptor
- Renamed Luck Demolisher Wildcat to Four Leaf Wildcat
- Renamed Berserker Headhunter to Onslaught Headhunter
- Renamed Double Agent Vaughn to Undercover Vaughn
- Renamed Urban Assault Sledgehammer to Tactical Assault Sledgehammer
- Renamed Stars and Stripes Headhunter to Star-Spangled Headhunter
- Constructors
- Renamed Hazard the 13th to Kyle the 13th
- Renamed Machinist Thora to Thunder Thora
- Renamed Riot Control Hazard to Riot Response Hazard
- Renamed Demolitionist Bull to Saboteur Bull
- Renamed Airheart to Sentry Gunner Airheart
- Renamed Stars and Stripes Penny to Patriot Penny
- Renamed Kinetic Beats Syd to Steel Wool Syd
- Renamed BASE Hype to Marathon Hype
- Ninjas
- Renamed Deadly Blade Scorpion to Deadly Star Scorpion
- Renamed Thunderstrike Scorch to Whirlwind Scorch
- Renamed Harvester Fiona to Whiteout Fiona
- Renamed Piercing Lotus Luna to Deadly Lotus Luna
- Renamed Explosive Assassin Ken to Infiltrator Ken
- Renamed Dim Mak Igor to Plague Doctor Igor
- Renamed Shuriken Master Llamaurai to Swift Shuriken Llamaurai
- Outlanders
- Renamed Trailblaster Buzz to Shockblaster Buzz
- Renamed Stars and Stripes A.C. to Old Glory A.C.
- Renamed Shamrock Reclaimer to Staredown Southie
- Renamed Flash Eagle Eye to Fireflower Eagle Eye
- Renamed Shockgunner Buzz to Ambush Buzz
- Renamed Ranger BeetleJess to Beetlejess
- Ability and Perk Name changes
- Seismic Impact has been renamed to Seismic Smash
- Sustained Impact has been renamed to Sustained Smash
- Phasers to Kill has been renamed Blaze of Glory
Ability Balance Changes
As part of the Hero Loadout changes, we’ve adjusted balance game-wide. As a result, we’ve changed a few abilities balance to bring them more in line with our new models. Going forward, we have a much better baseline to adjust abilities in the future.
- Constructor
- Bull Rush
- Reduced base damage from 156 to 104
- Now deals environment damage by default (251 base environment damage)
- D.E.C.O.Y.
- Reduced base duration from 7 seconds to 6 seconds
- Decoy now has easier access to perks that reduce its cooldown and increase duration. This change was made to lessen the frequency of 100% decoy uptime in a team environment while still enabling a powerful source of crowd control.
- Plasma Pulse
- Increased base damage per hit from 18 to 46
- Plasma Pulse has been underperforming for a long time. This boost to damage should make it a competitive option for Constructors
- R.O.S.I.E.
- Increased base damage from 67 to 69
- Outlander
- Phase Shift
- Increased energy cost from 10 to 15
- Phase Shift now has easier access to a significant number of Perks that improve its performance. This was done to put more weight on energy management as opposed to just charges.
- Reduced movement speed bonus from 33% to 30%
- Seismic Smash (Previously : Seismic Impact)
- Increased base damage from 98 to 114
- Shock Tower
- Reduced stun duration from 0.75s to 0.5s
- T.E.D.D.Y.
- Reduced damage per hit from 16 to 13
- This change is to help promote active play while still enabling T.E.D.D.Y. builds.
- Ninja
- Crescent Kick
- Increased base damage from 61 to 121
- Increased impact from 750 to 800
- Reduced stun duration from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds
- Crescent Kick still retains its identity as a quick stun ability, but now has significantly boosted damage component to make it a competitive combat option
- Dragon Slash
- Increased base damage from 94 to 115
- Kunai Storm
- Increased base damage from 128 to 184
- Kunai Storm came in a little weaker than we liked, so we’re giving it a solid damage boost to compensate for the difficulty of using this ability
- Smoke Bomb
- Increased base damage per tick from 41 to 52
- Throwing Stars
- Increased base damage from 52 to 87
- Increased cooldown from 6 seconds to 10 seconds
- Now pierces enemies by default
- Can no longer trigger headshot damage multiplier
- Throwing stars have been a fairly niche ability, only being viable on a couple of Ninjas largely due to the lack of piercing. To make them more competitive, we replaced the lackluster headshot damage with piercing as part of the base ability and gave it a big damage boost.
- Soldier
- Frag Grenade
- Reduced energy cost from 45 to 30
- This allows you to use all 3 grenade charges in a row
- Increased base damage from 101 to 103
- Reduced impact from 595 to 500
- Goin’ Commando
- Reduced base damage from 25 to 23
- Lefty and Righty
- Increased base damage from 57 to 60
- Reduced headshot damage bonus from 75% to 50%
- Shockwave
- Increased base damage from 91 to 102
- Reduced impact from 1650 to 1500
- Warcry
- Reduced energy cost from 50 to 40
Team Perks have been added!
Team Perks are powerful abilities that activate upon meeting certain requirements in your hero loadout. Once you have equipped the right heroes, their power will unlock! Match the exact requirements, or take as many heroes as you can that match the rules in order to gain the most benefit. Team Perks are granted through story events, event rewards, and other ways. They can also come from Mythic Heroes! You can find a list of all the Mythic Heroes and which Team Perks they give below.
- Bladestorm Enforcer
- Endless Shadow
- Increases Shadow Stance duration for each matching hero
- Carbide
- Underdog
- For each match, increased healing received based on how many enemies are near you
- Dire
- Hunter’s Instinct
- Eliminations during night or evening grant a damage and melee life leech bonus per matching hero.
- Field Agent Rio
- Phase Blaster
- Every few seconds, your next shot fires a Phase Pulse
- Lynx Kassandra
- Bio-Energy Source
- Spending energy restores shield per hero per point of energy spent
- Master Grenadier Ramirez
- Cool Customer
- Using an Ability while Frosty lowers the cooldown of all active Soldier abilities and removes the Frosty effect.
- MEGA B.A.S.E. Kyle
- Supercharged Traps
- Increases damage done by all traps affected by B.A.S.E.
- Phase Scout Jess
- Shifting Gears
- Grant extra charges on Phase Shift but reduce range
- Quickdraw Calamity
- Hot Swap
- Eliminations increase damage for all weapon types for a time. Stacks 1 time for each weapon type's eliminations.
- Ragnarok
- Slow your Roll
- On taking melee damage, freeze husks and slow mist monsters
- Raven
- Preemptive Strike
- For Each match, deal bonus damage to enemies with full life.
- Steel Wool Syd
- Buffs damage and critical rating in a radius around B.A.S.E.
- Subzero Zenith
- Shake it Off
- Reduces duration of elemental status effects applied to you
- Swordmaster Ken
- One-Two Punch
- After ability cast, next melee heavy attack costs 20% less per match
- The Cloaked Star
- Round Trip
Throwing Stars return to you after hitting a solid wall or once they expire
- Wukong
- Soaring Mantis
- Gain 2 extra Mantis Leaps
New Perk / Hero Combinations!
All of the perks have been rebalanced, tweaked, and adjusted. We’ve also distributed them among all the existing heroes. Non gameplay-acquirable heroes will always be reskins of existing heroes. All Heroes now have a Standard Perk, which is granted to players regardless of where they are slotted in the hero loadout
- Heroes slotted as your Commander will receive the “Commander Upgrade” modification to their Standard Perk listed below
- Note - All Standard Perks without specific text indicating their Commander Upgrade provide upgrades to the numerical effectiveness of their Standard Perk when they are slotted as your commander..
- In order to accommodate changes to the class perks, we’ve adjusted all the ability kits of heroes. Rather than listing the changes, we’re listing what every hero now has as their kit.
- NEW - Class Perks
- NEW Stay Frosty
- After 3 eliminations with a ranged weapon, gain 35% weapon stability and increase ranged weapon damage by 10% for 7 seconds.
- NEW Suppressive Fire
- Each consecutive ranged weapon hit against the same target deals 3% increased damage. Stacks 5 times.
- REMOVED Debilitating Shots
- As the game evolves we re-evaluate how we design aspects of it. In this case, we believe Vulnerability works best when it’s limited to short windows which create opportunities for group burst damage. Freeze Traps are a great example of this. Sustained focus fire is still a strength of Soldiers, but by removing Debilitating Shots we’ll be able to better utilize Vulnerability to provide burst damage windows.
- Support Specialist Hawk
- Combatants Might
- Reduces the Energy cost of Warcry
- Abilities : Warcry, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Ghoul Trooper Ramirez
- Practiced in Combat
- Increases the duration of Warcry
- Abilities : Warcry, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Brainiac Jonesy
- Practiced in Combat
- Increases the duration of Warcry
- Abilities : Warcry, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Special Forces Banshee
- Fight Or Flight
- Bonus damage and movement speed during the effect of Warcry
- Abilities : Warcry, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Special Forces Ramirez
- Fight Or Flight
- Bonus damage and movement speed during the effect of Warcry
- Abilities : Warcry, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Special Forces Jonesy
- Fight Or Flight
- Bonus damage and movement speed during the effect of Warcry
- Abilities : Warcry, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Colonel Wildcat
- Leadership
- Reduces cooldown of Warcry
- Abilities : Warcry, Shockwave, Frag Grenade
- Centurion Hawk
- Mighty Roar
- Increases application range of Warcry
- Abilities : Warcry, Shockwave, Frag Grenade
- Sergeant Jonesy
- Ain't Done Yet
- Increases duration of Goin' Commando
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Warcry, Shockwave
- Birthday Brigade Ramirez
- Ain't Done Yet
- Increases duration of Goin' Commando
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Warcry, Shockwave
- Shrapnel Headhunter
- Shell Shock
- Increases damage of Shotguns
- Abilities : Shockwave, Frag Grenade, Warcry
- Redline Ramirez
- Quick Scope
- Increases Damage / Fire rate of Sniper Rifles
- Abilities : Shockwave, Frag Grenade, Warcry
- Buckshot Raptor
- Critical Blast
- Increases critical hit damage of Shotguns
- Abilities : Shockwave, Frag Grenade, Warcry
- Rabbit Raider Jonesy
- Sure Shot
- Increases critical hit damage of Sniper Rifles
- Abilities : Shockwave, Frag Grenade, Warcry
- Demolisher Jonesy
- Cluster Bomb
- Frag Grenade spawns a cluster of smaller grenades which explode
- Commander Upgrade : Increases the damage of the smaller grenades
- Abilities : Frag Grenade, Warcry, Shockwave
- Four Leaf Wildcat
- Grenade Generation
- Eliminating enemies has a chance to generate Frag Grenade Charges
- Abilities : Frag Grenade, Warcry, Shockwave
- Highland Warrior Wildcat
- Pull The Pin
- Reduces the Energy cost of Frag Grenade
- Abilities : Frag Grenade, Warcry, Shockwave
- Battlehound Jonesy
- Rucksack
- Increases the charges of Frag Grenade
- Abilities : Frag Grenade, Warcry, Shockwave
- Onslaught Headhunter
- Explosive Optimization
Reduces the Energy cost of Shockwave
- Abilities : Shockwave, Warcry, Frag Grenade
- Berserker Renegade
- Short Fuse
- When your shield breaks, reset the cooldown of Shockwave
- Commander Upgrade : Also reduce the cost to 0, reduces the re-activation window
- Abilities : Shockwave, Warcry, Frag Grenade
- Wukong
- Explosive Rounds
- Eliminating enemies can cause aoe explosions.
- Abilities : Frag Grenade, Shockwave, Warcry
- Chromium Ramirez
- In A Pinch
- Reloading when weapons are empty increases shield regeneration rate
- Commander Upgrade : Additionally increases reload speed, and increases shield regeneration effect
- Abilities : Warcry, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Bulletstorm Jonesy
- Start Up
- Firing a ranged weapon increases your damage and Fire Rate
- Abilities : Warcry, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Die Cast Jonesy
- Boomstick!
- Increases the damage of Goin' Commando
- Commander Upgrade : Increases the amount of bonus damage and converts the damage type to Energy
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Warcry, Frag Grenade
- Double Agent Evelynn
- Where's Lefty
- Eliminating enemies with pistols reduces the active cooldown of Lefty and Righty
- Abilities : Lefty and Righty, Frag Grenade, Shockwave
- Undercover Vaughn
- Grenade Damage
- Increases damage of Frag Grenade
- Abilities : Lefty and Righty, Frag Grenade, Shockwave
- First Shot Rio
- First Assault
- After reloading an Assault weapon, the next shot automatically crits
- Abilities : Frag Grenade, Lefty and Righty, Shockwave
- Quick-Draw Calamity
- Six Shooter
- First 6 pistol shots deal increased damage and impact.
- Abilities : Lefty and Righty, Warcry, Goin’ Commando
- Steel Wool Carlos
- Bass Solo
- Eliminations extend the duration of Warcry
- Commander Upgrade : Increases the effect of Bass Solo
Abilities : Warcry, Shockwave, Goin’ Commando
- Liteshow Spitfire
- Waste Not Want Not
- Increases magazine size of ranged weapons
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Lefty and Righty, Warcry
- Archetype Havoc
- Escape Artist
- Using Shockwave temporarily increases movement speed
- Commander Upgrade : Additionally adds more armor temporarily
- Abilities : Shockwave, Lefty and Righty, Frag Grenade
- Commando Spitfire
- Goin Again
- Reduces the cooldown of Goin' Commando
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Frag Grenade, Shockwave
- Sub-Commando Jonesy
- Goin Again
- Reduces the cooldown of Goin' Commando
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Frag Grenade, Shockwave
- Rescue Trooper Ramirez
- Assault Damage
- Increases assault rifle damage
- Abilities : Frag Grenade, Shockwave, Goin’ Commando
- Rescue Trooper Havoc
- Assault Damage
- Increases assault rifle damage
- Abilities : Frag Grenade, Shockwave, Goin’ Commando
- Master Grenadier Ramirez
- Bigger Is Better
- Increases the radius of Frag Grenade
- Abilities : Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando, Shockwave
- Urban Assault Headhunter
- Make It Rain
- After landing a head shot, increase headshot damage and firerate temporarily.
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Shockwave, Frag Grenade
- Skull Trooper Jonesy
- Locked And Reloaded
- After reloading gain damage temporarily.
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Shockwave, Frag Grenade
- Tactical Assault Sledgehammer
- Assault Crit Damage
- Increases assault rifle critical hit damage
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Shockwave, Frag Grenade
- Skull Ranger Ramirez
- Locked And Reloaded
- After reloading gain damage temporarily.
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Shockwave, Frag Grenade
- Survivalist Jonesy
- Survivalist
- Eliminating enemies restores health over time
- Abilities : Shockwave, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Star-Spangled Headhunter
- Spoils of War
- Chance get ammo back after eliminations during Warcry
- Abilities : Warcry, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Stars and Stripes Jonesy
- Assault Ammo Recovery
- Hitting enemy with an Assault Rifle has a chance to give back ammo
- Abilities : Shockwave, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Love Ranger Jonesy
- Power Impact
- Increases the radius of Shockwave
- Abilities : Shockwave, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Raven
- Twinblast
- Increases the damage of Lefty and Righty
- Commander Upgrade : Additionally cause Lefty and Righty hits to cause explosions.
- Abilities : Lefty and Righty, Warcry, Frag Grenade
- Carbide
- Zip And Zap
- Lefty and Righty applies an energy affliction
- Commander Upgrade : Additionally cause Lefty and Righty hits to bounce off walls and pierce enemies.
- Abilities : Lefty and Righty, Shockwave, Frag Grenade
- Shocktrooper Renegade
- Doppler Effect
- Reduces the cooldown of Shockwave
- Abilities : Shockwave, Frag Grenade, Goin’ Commando
- Commando Ramirez
- Goin Again
- Reduces the cooldown of Goin' Commando
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Frag Grenade, Shockwave
- Commando Renegade
- Goin Again
- Reduces the cooldown of Goin' Commando
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Frag Grenade, Shockwave
- Jolly Headhunter
- Present… Arms!
- Eliminating enemies has a chance to drop a present. Presents buff either Movespeed, Damage, or Energy Regen.
- Abilities : Lefty and Righty, Frag Grenade, Warcry
- Sgt. Winter
- Snowin’ Commando
- Every few shots, Goin’ Commando fires an exploding snowball that deals water damage
- Abilities : Goin’ Commando, Lefty and Righty, Frag Grenade
- Crackshot
- Mad Tidings
Firing a ranged weapon grants stacks of Holiday Spirit. Each stack increases damage but decreases weapon accuracy. Buff is lost on weapon swap or reload
- Abilties : Lefty and Righty, Shockwave, Frag Grenade
- Fallen Love Ranger Jonesy
- Fuel for the Fallen
- On an elimination, gain energy regen for a short duration.
- Abilities : Frag Grenade, Shockwave, Lefty and Righty
- Class Perks:
- B.A.S.E. is now placed like a trap, to allow constructors to use more abilities
- Available from the Trap Wheel
- Connects to structures up to 4 tiles away
- Increases the Armor of connected structures by 50
- No longer reflects damage by default
- Kinetic Overload
- When you stagger an enemy with a melee attack, deal 25 damage in a half-tile radius
- Melee critical hits grant 10% increased melee impact damage for 5 seconds. Stacks 5 times.
- Removed Creative Engineering
- While this has historically been an identifying feature of the Constructor class, the current availability of building resources has made this perk much less necessary. We’ve decided to remove it to make room for other Constructor bonuses which are more meaningful in most scenarios, such as extending B.A.S.E. range, increasing B.A.S.E. damage resistance, and opening up a third ability slot.
- Controller Harper
- Grease the Wheels
- Reduces the cooldown of D.E.C.O.Y.
- Abilities : D.E.C.O.Y, Plasma Pulse, Bull Rush
- Kyle the 13th
- I'm Just Not User-Friendly
- D.E.C.O.Y. damages melee attackers
- Abilities : D.E.C.O.Y, Plasma Pulse, Bull Rush
- Power B.A.S.E. Knox
- Power Modulation
- Structures attached to B.A.S.E. regenerate health
- Abilities : R.O.S.I.E., D.E.C.O.Y, Plasma Pulse
- Power B.A.S.E. Penny
- Power Modulation
- Structures attached to B.A.S.E. regenerate health
- Abilities : R.O.S.I.E., D.E.C.O.Y, Plasma Pulse
- Power B.A.S.E. Kyle
- Power Modulation
- Structures attached to B.A.S.E. regenerate health
- Abilities : R.O.S.I.E., D.E.C.O.Y, Plasma Pulse
- Sentinel Hype
- Going And Going
- Increases duration of D.E.C.O.Y.
- Abilities : D.E.C.O.Y, R.O.S.I.E., Plasma Pulse
- Guardian Bull
- Hardware Crit Chance
- Increases Critical Rating with Hardware Weapons
- Abilities : Bull Rush, Plasma Pulse, D.E.C.O.Y.
- Machinist Harper
- Tough Traps
- Increases trap durability
- Abilities : Plasma Pulse, R.O.S.I.E., D.E.C.O.Y.
- Thunder Thora
- Electrified Floors
- Enemies within the area affected by B.A.S.E. take energy damage periodically
- Abilities : Plasma Pulse, Bull Rush, D.E.C.O.Y.
- Warden Kyle
- B.A.S.E. M.D.
- Grants health regen while inside B.A.S.E.
- Abilities : Bull Rush, R.O.S.I.E., Plasma Pulse
- Riot Response Hazard
- One Hot Minute
- Reduces the cooldown of Plasma Pulse
- Abilities : Plasma Pulse, Bull Rush, D.E.C.O.Y.
- Riot Control Izza
- Plasma Pulse Blast
- When placed, Plasma Pulse immediately fires a wave of plasma that deals energy damage.
- Abilities : Plasma Pulse, Bull Rush, D.E.C.O.Y.
- Heavy BASE Kyle
- Feel The B.A.S.E.
- B.A.S.E. Explodes out after a certain amount of enemies die near it
- Abilities : D.E.C.O.Y., R.O.S.I.E., Bull Rush
- Demolitionist Penny
- Faster Explosions
- Increases explosive weapon damage
- Abilities : D.E.C.O.Y, Plasma Pulse, Bull Rush
- Saboteur Bull
- Get Ready For a Surprise!
- D.E.C.O.Y. explodes when it is destroyed or expires.
- Abilities : D.E.C.O.Y, Plasma Pulse, Bull Rush
- 8-Bit Demo
- Enduring Machine
- Using an ability causes the next few shots to cost less weapon durability
- Abilities : D.E.C.O.Y, Plasma Pulse, Bull Rush
- Vintage-Tech Penny
- Malfunction
- Increases the radius of Plasma Pulse's orb explosions.
- Commander Upgrade : Triggers orbs to deploy at once, and increases damage
- Abilities : Plasma Pulse, R.O.S.I.E., D.E.C.O.Y.
- Sentry Gunner Airheart
- War of the R.O.S.I.E.
- R.O.S.I.E. deals more damage
- Commander Upgrade : Additionally converts damage type to Energy
- Abilities : R.O.S.I.E., Plasma Pulse, D.E.C.O.Y.
- Krampus
- Racking up the Coal
- Each elimination with R.O.S.I.E. increases damage with R.O.S.I.E.
- Abilities : R.O.S.I.E., Plasma Pulse, D.E.C.O.Y.
- Dark Vanguard Airheart
- Software
- Increases Hardware heavy attack energy efficiency
- Abilities : Plasma Pulse, R.O.S.I.E., D.E.C.O.Y.
- Conqueror Magnus
- Your Move, Creep
- D.E.C.O.Y. periodically damages enemies within the attraction radius.
- Abilities : D.E.C.O.Y., R.O.S.I.E., Bull Rush
- The Ice King
- Frozen Castle
- B.A.S.E. snares enemies that are on B.A.S.E. enforced structures.
- Commander Upgrade : Attacking B.A.S.E. enforced structures causes enemies to become Frozen
- Abilities : R.O.S.I.E., D.E.C.O.Y., Bull Rush
- Mega BASE
- Increases B.A.S.E. connectivity
- Abilities : Plasma Pulse, R.O.S.I.E., Bull Rush
- Hotfixer Hazard
- Hotfix
- Increases building repair rate
- Abilities : Plasma Pulse, R.O.S.I.E, Bull Rush
- Catstructor Penny
- Rushed Rush
- Reduces the cooldown of Bull Rush
- Abilities : Bull Rush, R.O.S.I.E., Plasma Pulse
- Electro-Pulse Penny
- Fully Contained
- B.A.S.E. now reflects damage
- Abilities : R.O.S.I.E., Plasma Pulse, Bull Rush
- Patriot Penny
- Emergency Override
- Having your shield break instantly resets the cooldown of Bull Rush
- Commander Upgrade : Also reduce the cost to 0, reduces the reactivation window
- Abilities : Bull Rush, Plasma Pulse, R.O.S.I.E.
- Tank Penny
- Actuated Attacks
- Increases Hardware weapon damage
- Abilities : R.O.S.I.E., Bull Rush, Plasma Pulse
- Steel Wool Syd
- Maximum Overload
- Increases damage of Kinetic Overload
- Abilities : R.O.S.I.E., D.E.C.O.Y., Bull Rush
- Plasma Specialist Izza
- Power Pulse
- Increases damage of Plasma Pulse
- Abilities : Plasma Pulse, D.E.C.O.Y., Bull Rush
- Miss Bunny Penny
- Plasma Overdrive
- Reduces Plasma Pulse energy cost
- Abilities : Plasma Pulse, D.E.C.O.Y., Bull Rush
- B.A.S.E. Kyle
- Lofty Architecture
- Increases health of buildings within area of B.A.S.E.
- Abilities : Bull Rush, R.O.S.I.E., Plasma Pulse
- Marathon Hype
- Long Rush
- Increases Bull Rush distance
- Abilities : Bull Rush, R.O.S.I.E., Plasma Pulse
- Guardian Penny
- Hardware Crit Chance
- Increases Critical Rating with Hardware Weapons
- Abilities : Bull Rush, Plasma Pulse, D.E.C.O.Y.
- Guardian Knox
- Hardware Crit Chance
- Increases Critical Rating with Hardware Weapons
- Abilities : Bull Rush, plasma Pulse, D.E.C.O.Y.
- Class Perks:
- Mantis Leap
- Jump a second time while in the air with no energy cost.
- Grants immunity to fall damage
- Shadow Stance
- Eliminating an enemy with a melee weapon grants 60 armor and 15% movement speed for 4 seconds.
- No longer triggers off of Throwing Stars or Dragon Slash by default
- Brawler Luna
- Quick Kick
- Reduce the cooldown of Crescent Kick
- Abilities : Crescent Kick, Dragon Slash, Smoke Bomb
- Stonefoot Crash
- Hot Foot
- Increases Crescent Kick damage
- Commander Upgrade : Further increases damage and additionally converts damage type to Energy
- Abilities : Crescent Kick, Smoke Bomb, Throwing Stars
- Skirmisher Edge
- Trained Throw
- Reduces the energy cost of Throwing Stars
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash, Crescent Kick
- Snuggle Specialist Sarah
- Tail of the Dragon
- Dragon Slash leaves a persistent trail of energy, dealing damage to enemies in the area over time
- Commander Upgrade : Additionally snares affected targets and increases the effect.
- Abilities : Dragon Slash, Throwing Stars, Crescent Kick
- Deadly Star Scorpion
- Corrosive Stars
- Throwing Stars afflict their targets, dealing Energy damage over time.
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Crescent Kick, Dragon Slash
- Deadly Blade Crash
- Corrosive Strikes
- Critical hits from Melee weapons deal damage over time
- Commander Upgrade : Increases damage dealt, and additionally snares targets afflicted.
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Crescent Kick, Dragon Slash
- Energy Thief Mari
- Rebound
- Crescent Kick will return energy for every enemy hit by it.
- Abilities : Crescent Kick, Dragon Slash, Smoke Bomb
- Alchemist Sarah
- Medicinal Fumes
- Smoke Bomb now heals allies who enter the affected area
- Abilities : Smoke Bomb, Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash
- Whirlwind Scorch
- Footloose
- Increases impact of Crescent Kick
- Commander Upgrade : Adds a stun to Crescent Kick
- Abilities : Crescent Kick, Smoke Bomb, Dragon Slash
- Thunderstrike Mari
- Dragon Daze
- When your shield breaks, an AoE blast stuns nearby enemies
- Commander Upgrade : Adds damage to the blast
- Abilities : Crescent Kick, Smoke Bomb, Dragon Slash
- Harvester Sarah
- Scythe To Meet You
- Scythe attacks do bonus damage vs snared enemies
- Commander Upgrade: Scythe attacks apply a snare
- Abilities : Smoke Bomb, Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash
- Whiteout Fiona
- Anatomy Lessons
- Increases axe, scythe, and sword critical rating
- Abilities : Smoke Bomb, Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash
- Deadly Lotus Luna
- Poking Holes
- Increases spear damage versus afflicted targets
- Commander Upgrade :Spear hits cause targets to become afflicted with damage over time
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Smoke Bomb, Crescent Kick
- Piercing Lotus Edge
- Pointy Fury
- Increases Spear heavy attack energy efficiency
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Smoke Bomb, Crescent Kick
- Infiltrator Ken
- Endless Smoke
- Increases the radius of Smoke Bomb
- Abilities : Smoke Bomb, Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash
- Plague Doctor Igor
- Deep Pockets
- Reduces the cost of Smoke Bomb
- Abilities : Smoke Bomb, Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash
- Dire
- Night Stalker
- At night, increase movement speed
- Commander Upgrade : Increase Movement speed bonus during Night, and additionally reduce cost of Ninja abilities
- Abilities : Dragon Slash, Kunai Storm, Crescent Kick
- Cloaked Shadow
Corrupted Aura (Additional VFX to come!)
- While in Shadow Stance, gain an aura that deals damage to enemies around the player.
- Abilities : Dragon Slash, Throwing Stars, Smoke Bomb
- Forged Fate
- Easy Sword
- Increases Sword heavy attack energy efficiency
- Abilities : Crescent Kick, Throwing Stars, Kunai Storm
- Overtaker Hiro
- Kunai Collection
- Eliminating enemies with Kunai Storm reduces its cooldown
- Abilities : Kunai Storm, Dragon Slash, Smoke Bomb
- Lynx Kassandra
- Hang Time
- After using Kunai Storm gain slow fall temporarily, dealing more damage mid-air
- Commander Upgrade : Increases damage dealt while hovering
- Abilities : Kunai Storm, Throwing Stars, Smoke Bomb
- Anti-Cuddle Sarah
- Rapid Charge
- On melee weapon elimination, restore some energy
- Abilities : Kunai Storm, Smoke Bomb, Throwing Stars
- The Cloaked Star
- Fan of Stars
- All throwing stars are thrown instantly in a spreading arc, and adds additional throwing stars
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Crescent Kick, Smoke Bomb
- Bladestorm Enforcer
- Kunaihilation
- Kunai explode on hitting, dealing energy damage in a radius
- Kunai Storm, Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash
- Dragon Scorch
- Wings of the Dragon
- Increases the length of Dragon Slash
- Commander Upgrade : Increases the width of Dragon Slash and increases the damage
- Abilities : Dragon Slash, Throwing Stars, Smoke Bomb
- Sarah Hotep
- Return of the Dragon
- Reduces the cost of Dragon Slash
- Abilities : Dragon Slash, Throwing Stars, Smoke Bomb
- Fleetfoot Ken
- Fleet
- Abilities : Dragon Slash, Throwing Stars, Smoke Bomb
- Dim Mak Mari
- Utility Belt
- Reduces the cooldown of Smoke Bomb
- Abilities : Smoke Bomb, Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash
- Bluestreak Ken
- Assassination
- Dealing melee damage increases damage dealt by melee weapons
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash, Smoke Bomb
- Assassin Sarah
- Assassination
- Dealing melee damage increases damage dealt by melee weapons
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash, Smoke Bomb
- Lotus Assassin Sarah
- Assassination
- Dealing melee damage increases damage dealt by melee weapons
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash, Smoke Bomb
- Lotus Assassin Ken
- Assassination
- Dealing melee damage increases damage dealt by melee weapons
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash, Smoke Bomb
- Shuriken Master Sarah
- Cascade
- Throws additional Throwing Stars.
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Smoke Bomb, Dragon Slash
- Swift Shuriken Llamurai
- Rapid Fire
- Reduces the cooldown of Throwing Stars
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Smoke Bomb, Dragon Slash
- Swordmaster Ken
- Legendary Blade
- Do an additional sword damage while Shadow Stance is active.
- Abilities : Smoke Bomb, Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash
- Jade Assassin Sarah
- Assassination
- Dealing melee damage increases damage dealt by melee weapons
- Abilities : Throwing Stars, Dragon Slash, Smoke Bomb
- Class Perks:
- Anti-Material Charge is now the default pickaxe heavy attack for all Outlanders
- Punch forward, destroying structures and harvesting their materials.
- Deals 50 damage and 240 Impact to enemies.
- Cost: 45 Energy
- Cooldown: 0
- In the Zone
- After 5 strikes with a pickaxe, gain 7.5% movement speed and 25% increased pickaxe damage. Removed on weapon swap.
- Grants the ability to see chests through walls within a radius.
- Loot Llama
- Loot Llama fragments now create the Loot Llama in place, rather than grant the Loot Llama ability.
- The Loot Llama lasts for 10 minutes and displays a timer overhead.
- Our goal for Loot Llamas is that they are an exciting reward. By locking out one of your abilities we created a conflict every time players found one.
- Our intention is that players who pass up a Loot Llama do it because they don’t need the loot, not because the Loot Llama limits their kit.
- Enforcer Grizzly
- Bear With Me
- Increases the duration of T.E.D.D.Y.
- Abilities : T.E.D.D.Y., Seismic Smash, Phase Shift
- Recon Scout Eagle Eye
- Phase Forward
- Increases movement speed bonus of Phase Shift
- Commander Upgrade : Further increases the bonus, and increases teleport distance
- Abilities : Phase Shift, Shock Tower, Seismic Smash
- Recon Scout Jess
- Phase Forward
- Increases movement speed bonus of Phase Shift
- Commander Upgrade : Further increases the bonus, and increases teleport distance
Abilities : Phase Shift, Shock Tower, Seismic Smash
- Recon Scout A.C.
- Phase Forward
- Increases movement speed bonus of Phase Shift
- Commander Upgrade : Further increases the bonus, and increases teleport distance
- Abilities : Phase Shift, Shock Tower, Seismic Smash
- Vanguard Southie
- Fault Line
- Lowers the Cooldown of Seismic Smash
- Abilities : Seismic Smash, Shock Tower, Phase Shift
- Shockblaster Buzz
- Electroshock
- Shock Tower deals additional Impact damage
- Abilities : Shock Tower, T.E.D.D.Y., Phase Shift
- Trailblaster A.C.
- Capacitor
- Increases the duration of Shock Tower
- Abilities : Shock Tower, T.E.D.D.Y., Phase Shift
- Old Glory A.C.
- Impossibility Matrix
- Increases the cooldown reduction of T.E.D.D.Y. and the Shock Tower when using a Charge Fragment.
- Abilities : Shock Tower, T.E.D.D.Y., Phase Shift
- Gunblazer Southie
- Blaze of Glory
- Phase Shift increases Pistol Damage temporarily.
- Abilities : Phase Shift, Shock Tower, T.E.D.D.Y.
- Fragment Flurry Jess
- Fragment Generation
- Eliminations can grant a Charge Fragment.
- Abilities : T.E.D.D.Y., Shock Tower, Phase Shift
- Staredown Southie
- Bear Stare
- T.E.D.D.Y. now fires eye beams that deal energy damage.
- Abilities : T.E.D.D.Y., Shock Tower, Phase Shift
- Fireflower Eagle Eye
- Parting Gift
- Phase Shift drops fireworks, dealing damage over time to enemies in an AoE.
- Abilities : Phase Shift, Shock Tower, Seismic Smash
- Flash A.C.
- Phased Out
- Reduces the refill time of Phase Shift charges
- Abilities : Phase Shift, Shock Tower, Seismic Smash
- T.E.D.D. Shot Jess
- Eye on the Prize
- Headshot eliminations can grant a Charge Fragment.
- Abilities : T.E.D.D.Y., Phase Shift, Seismic Smash
- Ambush Buzz
- In and Outlander
- Eliminating enemies shortly after using Phase Shift will refund the Phase Shift charge.
- Abilities : Phase Shift, Shock Tower, Seismic Smash
- Shockgunner Grizzly
- Run and Stun
- Passing through enemies with Phase Shift applies a stun.
- Abilities : Phase Shift, Shock Tower, Seismic Smash
- Wild Fragment Deadeye
- Static Cling
- Enemies hit by Shock Tower take additional periodic damage
- Abilities : Shock Tower, T.E.D.D.Y., Phase Shift
- Sanguine Dusk
- Phase Siphon
- Phase shifting through enemies heals self
- Abilities : Phase Shift, Shock Tower, Seismic Smash
- Valkyrie Rio
- Kinetic Punch
- Increases the Impact and knock back of Anti-Material Charge.
- Abilities : Phase Shift, Seismic Smash, T.E.D.D.Y.
- Ventura Ramirez
- Overbearing
- Increases the range of T.E.D.D.Y. attack and increases damage based on distance to enemies
- Abilities : T.E.D.D.Y., Phase Shift, Seismic Smash
- Subzero Zenith
- Icy Shot
- Sniper critical hits apply water affliction.
- Commander Upgrade : Sniper critical hits additionally Freeze enemies
- Abilities : Phase Shift, T.E.D.D.Y., Shock Tower
- Ragnarok
- Return to Sender
- Seismic Smash returns to its original impact point.
- Commander Upgrade : Increases the damage of the second wave
- Abilities : Seismic Smash, Shock Tower, Phase Shift
- Field Agent Rio
- Phase Cannon
- Phase Shifting causes the equipped ranged weapon to shoot a projectile which pierces enemies and deals energy damage.
- Abilities : Phase Shift, T.E.D.D.Y., Seismic Smash
- Striker A.C.
- Sustained Smash
- Lowers the energy cost of Seismic Smash
- Abilities : Seismic Smash, T.E.D.D.Y., Phase Shift
- Shock Specialist A.C.
- Up The Voltage
- Increases the damage of Shock Tower
- Abilities : Shock Tower, Phase Shift, Seismic Smash
- Trailblazer A.C.
- Bearserker
- Increases the damage dealt and fire rate of T.E.D.D.Y.
- Abilities : T.E.D.D.Y., Shock Tower, Phase Shift
- Trailblazer Quinn
- Bearserker
- Increases the damage dealt and fire rate of T.E.D.D.Y.
- Abilities : T.E.D.D.Y., Shock Tower, Phase Shift
- Trailblazer Jess
- Bearserker
- Increases the damage dealt and fire rate of T.E.D.D.Y.
- Abilities : T.E.D.D.Y., Shock Tower, Phase Shift
- Phase Scout Jess
- Phased and Confused
- Phase Shift has additional charges.
- Abilities : Phase Shift, Shock Tower, T.E.D.D.Y.
- Pathfinder Jess
- Work, Work
- Increases harvesting tool damage
- Abilities : T.E.D.D.Y., Seismic Smash, Phase Shift
- Archaeolo-Jess
- Strike Cost
- Reduces the cost of Anti-Material Charge
- Abilities : T.E.D.D.Y., Seismic Smash, Phase Shift
- Bloodfinder A.C.
- Iron Knuckles
- Increases the damage of Anti-Material Charge against enemies.
- Abilities : T.E.D.D.Y., Seismic Smash, Phase Shift
- Ranger Deadeye
- Hipshot
- Abilities : Phase Shift, T.E.D.D.Y., Seismic Smash
- Beetlejess
- Make It Count
- Increases pistol critical hit damage
- Abilities : Phase Shift, T.E.D.D.Y., Seismic Smash
- Steel Wool Anthony
- Four on the Floor
- Seismic Smash leaves a pulsing area at maximum range which deals damage and pulls enemies together
- Abilities : Seismic Smash, Shock Tower, Phase Shift
- Jingle Jess
- Bear With Me
- Increases the duration of T.E.D.D.Y.
- Abilities : T.E.D.D.Y., Seismic Smash, Phase Shift
- The Ice Queen
- Cold to the Touch
- All damage is increased against enemies who are frozen,
- Commander Upgrade : Seismic Smash can Freeze enemies
- Abilities : Seismic Smash, Shock Tower, Phase Shift
- Snuggle Specialist Sarah is available in the Event Store
- Available on February 28.
- Fallen Love Ranger Jonesy is obtainable through love storm quest
- Legendary rarity
- Perk - Fuel for the Fallen
- Eliminations grant Energy Regen for a short duration
- Anti-Cuddle Sarah is obtainable through love storm quest
- Legendary rarity
- Perk - Rapid Charge
- Melee eliminations grant Energy
- We’ve extended the duration of the following Event Store Heroes until v8.20:
- Subzero Zenith
- Wukong
- Lynx Kassandra
Bug Fixes
It is no longer possible to place D.E.C.O.Y. on top of R.O.S.I.E.
- TEDDY and the Bot Turret are no longer confused when targeting enemies, if there is a Driftboard close to them.
Weapons + Items
- Heartbreaker Crossbow returns to the Weekly Store
- Fires an arrow that drops over time and pierces through enemies.
- Available until March 6 at 7 PM Eastern Time
- Freeze trap now applies 25% vulnerability, regardless of element
- Added Epic and Legendary Vindertech Weapons to the Llama Pinatas.
- Including X-Ray Llamas for V-Bucks, and the Legendary Troll Stash Llama above.
- Removed Daily Coins
- Daily Quests now award 240 Gold instead of 100 Daily Coins.
- V-bucks rewards from Daily Quest remain unchanged.
- Daily Coin offers from the Weekly Store now cost Gold .
- Old cost: 700 Daily Coins
- New cost: 1680 Gold
- All existing Daily Coins have been converted to Gold at a rate of 100 Daily Coins to 240 Gold.
Bug Fixes
- Yeoman Sniper Rifle schematics no longer take up inventory space.
- Fixed and issue that prevented Items pulled from the Collection Book and in player’s inventories from properly granting PERK Upgrades when recycled
- Fixed the Shadowshard Typewriter having the incorrect mesh
- Fixed an inconsistent firing rate issue with automatic burst weapons.
- Speed Boost Trap no longer takes durability damage if the player stands on the trap without a Hoverboard or Driftboard.
Plankerton Visual Update
- Including the Lakeside Biome
- Hiding "Squad" tab from in-game inventory screen.
- We are making improvements to this and will re-feature it in the future.
- Hover Turret: Reduced damage per hit from 15 to 12
- Proximity Mine:
- Reduced recharge time from 200 seconds to 60 seconds
- Increased starting charges from 2 to 4
Increased bonus charges from Skill Tree Upgrades from 1 to 3 each (now maxes out at 10 charges)
- Reduced damage from 230 to 183
- No longer causes knockback
- Increased stability when placing tracks and B.A.S.E. in the builder pro configuration
- Driftboards can now be destroyed by lava.
- Driftboards are no longer slowed when going up ramps
- Geysers can now affect Driftboards.
- Driftboards can no longer be pushed with high impact weapons.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed invisible Driftboard collision when riding over a weather balloon landing site.
- Fixed issue with the Hoverboard being in the ground for other players.
- Love Storm
- Poison lobbers are looking to spread their love to everyone and will be appearing in the earlier zones.
- Love hurts, so Beware!
- Smashers reverted to their normal appearance, and their Krampus variants have returned to the frozen north.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with Mimic chest despawning if blocked when their interaction completes.
- Fixed an issue with the Storm King not taking damage from some weapons.
Art + Animation
- Heroes from your Hero Squad will join the Commander in the Command Center UI environment.
- Updated the music tracks in Forest zones.
- New music score added for the Lakeside zones.
- Lots of audio and music updates for the new Hero perks!
Bug Fixes
- Added sounds for Stormshield Amplifiers.
- Fixed bug in onboarding mission where cave water drip sounds were heard above ground.
- Reduced startup load times.
- Unified the Player Reporting UI between all modes.
- In the Player Reporting UI, Reason now goes before Player Name.
- In the Player Reporting UI, players now have additional information about their role as related to the player. Examples: 'Eliminated By', 'Teammate', etc.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where players could hit building weak spots through walls.
- Fixed an issue that allowed some weapons to damage enemies behind the player when tilting the camera close to the ground.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to edit the build preview marker while overlapping a building if they pressed "build" and "edit" in quick succession. This should now cause them to edit the newly built building.
Building Info Visibility
- If a player is in build mode and then put into a state where they’d be skydiving, then the blueprint, pencil, and ghost structure are put away until the player is able to build again.
- After landing, the blueprint, pencil, and ghost structure reappear automatically.
- When attempting to place a ceiling or wall trap, the required structures needed to place the trap will automatically be built.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the chat window could be opened during the initial Save The World reward flow.
- Improved client/server data transfer when jumping or moving the camera to mitigate to mitigate dropped frames when using uncapped framerate.
- Fixed an issue on PS4 which caused resolution to be lower than it should have been
- Improved CPU performance of texture streaming on all platforms.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed extraneous upstream packets/bandwidth when using an uncapped frame rate.
Known Issues
Want to track the top community issues? Head over to our Fortnite | Community Issues Trello board here.