Attention Commanders,
The Hexslyvania Venture Season continues to haunt on! As an early reminder, the Hexslyvania will be making its ghostly exit on November 16, so collect all the sweet rewards before that date sneaks up on you like a Husk in the night!
Another heads-ups Commanders. In a future update, the Save the World playlist will move out of the Sub-game select screen and join the rest of Fortnite in the Discovery menu. We will keep you updated on this process.
After weeks and weeks of searching, we have finally uncovered the new Dungeon just waiting to be explored! You’re probably eager to learn more about it, so let’s get started. Homebase Status Report - Initiate!
Welcome to the New Dungeon - The Lab
In a seemingly abandoned town lies an eerie and mysterious underground shelter. The good news: this shelter is filled with plenty of Blu-Glo! The bad news: it is also filled with traps, Husks and...Husk Incubation Chambers? There is even more to watch out for Commanders. We are getting reports that a certain two-faced scientist takes residency in this facility, and he does not take kindly to strangers. Completing the Lab dungeon will unlock a new banner as well as a new soldier hero who thrives in chaos! For those up for a challenge, completing the Lab at max difficulty will unlock a new Spray. Dive into the Lab starting today!
Chaos Agent Emerges from the Lab
“Sowing the Seeds of Chaos” - Chaos Agent
- Standard Perk: Quick Fingers
- Whenever you use any ability, Quick Fingers reloads your equipped weapon (if it can be reloaded).
- Commander Perk: Quick Fingers+
- Whenever you use any ability, Quick Fingers reloads your equipped weapon (if it can be reloaded). When you reload a weapon this way, you have a % chance to summon a phantasm based on how empty the clip was, with a cap of 80%.
Completing the Lab dungeon will unlock the new Hero, Chaos Agent
Coming to the Event Store October 16 (8 PM ET) - Dusk Takes Back the Night and the Ghost Pistol Makes an Ethereal Entrance
"Creatures of the night pack a dangerous bite."
- Standard Perk: Phase Siphon
- Dashing through enemies with Phase Shift heals 12 base Health per enemy passed through.
- Commander Perk: Phase Siphon+
- Dashing through enemies with Phase Shift heals 36 base Health per enemy passed through.
Ghost Pistol
Its appearance may look like an apparition, but the impact of this pistol is as real as it gets. The Ghost Pistol fires spectral ammo capable of going through walls and enemies. It is the perfect way to show the world that you are ghost boss material.
Bladey Acres
That strange cube has invited the Homebase Squad to another one of the dark rituals. This one takes place at the Bladey Acres summer camp. It won’t be all fun and games though, as the camp just so happens to be loaded with dangerous, sharp objects… Don’t let this imminent slasher thriller scare you away from completing this questline, as doing so will reward you with everyone’s favorite Bloodhaven Pyrotechnic alumni, Raven.
This Questline becomes available on
October 16 at 8 PM ET

Raven, the Master of Dark Skies
"I’m still outside..." - Raven
- Standard Perk: Bang and Pow
- Increases Lefty and Righty damage to enemies by 25%
- Commander Perk: Bang and Pow +
- Increases Lefty and Righty damage by 25%. Lefty and Righty causes explosions which deal 20 base energy damage in a .5 tile radius

Bloodfinder A.C. receives an invitation to the Event Store on October 23 (8 PM ET)
"My Knuckles leave an even worse mark than my fangs" - Bloodfinder A.C.
- Standard Perk: Iron Knuckles
- Increases Anti-Material Charge damage to enemies by 75%
- Commander Perk: Iron Knuckles +
- Increases Anti-Material Charge damage to enemies by 225%
The Fortnite Lars Pack
“Looks like the band is back together” - Lars
Lead guitarist of the legendary rock band Steel Wool (and renowned Storm Scientist) is ready to strum up some Husks!
The Lars Pack brings a new Hero and Outfit, the
Lars Storm Strummer Backbling,
Lars Prop Chop Pickaxe,
the Lars Challenges, and
access to Save the World. These exclusive Save the World challenges will earn you 1,000 V-Bucks and 1,000 X-Ray Tickets.
The Cosmetic items of this Pack will be shared through Battle Royale, Save the World and Creative game modes. This new Pack series will have no impact on existing Founder daily login rewards or their V-Bucks earned, which is exclusive to early access Founders. These outfits may appear in the item shop in the future.
Will see you down in the Lab, Commanders!