Hi commanders!
It’s a light week as team Homebase takes a few days off to spend time with family and food. We hope everyone’s out exploring dungeons, taking on the Mythic Storm King and tracking down the new Mythic weapons.
The time for haunts and spooks is quickly coming to an end. Become the ultimate ghost boss by completing the four Fortnitemares quest lines as they will be taking their ghostly slumber in the v11.30 patch.
Metal Marauder
Clip’s had a blast creating this new Black Metal Launcher! Uses explosive ammo to fire long-range rockets that damage groups of enemies in a moderate radius.
Available from the weekly store starting November 27th at 7 PM Eastern Time until December 4th at 7 PM Eastern Time.
Spectral Blade
Homebase’s favorite Husks carving tool is returning! This Ghostly blade uses above average attack speed to deal high sustained damage, with moderate impact. Unleash the Spectral Slash to warp to the targeted enemy, dealing heavy damage and staggering smaller enemies.
Available from the weekly store starting December 4th at 7 PM Eastern Time until December 11th at 7 PM Eastern Time.

A letter from the Design Team:
We wanted to give everyone a heads up that we’re simplifying the ways you get rid of unwanted items in Save the World. Having to decide if you want to Recycle, Collect, or Transform an item isn’t a fun or interesting choice and we’ve been evaluating some of our current systems to see where some improvements can be made. One of the things that stuck out to us was Transform Keys and how little they are being used by players.
The Transform feature has always been somewhat clunky and hard to use and players can pull desired items out of the Collection Book via Research & Recruit, which makes Transform somewhat redundant. As a result we are removing Transform altogether in v11.30.
When we remove Transform we’ll rebalance Designs/Manuals so that you get them from Common/Uncommon items when they are recycled. Additionally, we’ll remove People as a resource, making rescuing survivors grant Survivor XP instead, and make any Expedition that consumed People use Research Points instead.
Any Consumable Transform Keys that you own will automatically be executed for free, and the resulting item placed in the inventory. Ultimate Founders who have permanent Epic Transform Keys will have those keys executed four times for free, and then the permanent key will be removed.
Thanks everyone!