Hey Creators! Fortnite photography is a big part of our Creative community. We love seeing all of your photos of your favorite outfits, landmarks, and Islands. If you are looking to start taking your own creative screenshots or improving your skills, here are some tips for capturing the best content possible. Let’s get started.
Capture Settings
Make sure your settings are set as high as your device can handle to capture the highest quality photos possible. Here are our recommendations.
Machine Specifications
CPU - Intel® Core™ I7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHZ
RAM - 16 - 32 GB
GPU - NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080, Titan V
Replay Settings
To access Replay Mode, go to the Career tab in the lobby and select the Replays button at the bottom of the screen.

To make proper use of your camera focal length, aperture, and focus settings you’ll want to turn High Quality FX to ‘ON.’ If this is turned off, the settings you put in will not change. Turn on the High Quality FX options to plus up REPLAY footage quality.
When planning a scene, it’s important to first figure out what you want to highlight.

Ask yourself which outfits you want to feature, what the characters will be doing, what location they will be in, etc.
- Check sun/moon direction to light your characters.
- Create a line of action to help the viewer understand the story you are telling. Here we can quickly and clearly see it’s two teams in a fire-fight.
- Keep front characters large and filling the frame for easy readability.
You can record replay scenes in Creative, giving you optimal time to plan and shoot your scene. You also have control of focal length, depth of field, slow-motion, drone speed, and more. In replay mode, your characters can be seen from all angles. Think about their surroundings and what is behind them when shooting a replay scene.
Stay away from areas in closed spaces without a lot of light.
- Keep characters all in focus and properly lit.
- Draw your viewer's eye with awesome moments. Make sure to set the aperture to help push your story.
- Blur your backgrounds and foreground to keep the focus on your subjects
Keep the Time of Day in mind. It can change the tone of your photo. Try to shoot when the sun is coming at an angle, not from above.
When capturing wide shots of points of interest and landscapes, you can use the Storm Toggle On/Off if the Storm moves over the shot during live gameplay.
- Placing the sun or moon to bring out shadows and light shafts will help build realism and depth.
- Use the landscape for screenshots that give depth and layers. This has near/far/very far mountains and trees which show the beauty and complexity of the island.
- Use foreground elements to create a natural frame. This will also give a sense of size.
Once you’ve got the perfect shot, share your photo with the world! Send us your best photos and tag us on Twitter