1. Ecounomy

By HealthyGaming

Metal Team Leader
Bear With Me +

Increases T.E.D.D.Y duration by 12 seconds

Team Perk
Shifting Gears
FOR EACH: Outlander of Epic or higher rarity Phase Shift has 1 additional charge(s) and Range is decreased by 0.2 tiles. (It seems the decreased range is additive, so beware a very short Phase Shift with too many Outlanders in the squad.)
Unlocked by: Phase Scout Jess (Base Game)
Support Team
Under Warranty
T.E.D.D.Y. has 100% Crit Chance against new targets and has a 5% chance to Malfunction. During Malfunction T.E.D.D.Y. finds a new target after every shot.
Requires commander with T.E.D.D.Y. ability
Plasma Arc
Energy Damage has a 20% chance to zap nearby enemies for 58% of damage dealt.
Bear Stare
T.E.D.D.Y. fires lasers (from his eyes!) every 2 second(s), dealing 26 base energy damage
Requires commander with T.E.D.D.Y. ability
Increases T.E.D.D.Y. range by 2 tiles. Enemies take more damage from T.E.D.D.Y. based on distance, up to 40% at max range
Requires commander with T.E.D.D.Y. ability
Fragment Generation
Every 39 eliminations, gain 1 charge fragment(s)
Requires Outlander as commander




1. Ecounomy


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