KUJBI's Loadout Throwing stars

By kujbi

Dragon Scorch
Wings Of The Dragon +

Increases Dragon Slash range to 3 tiles, width to 2 tiles and damage by 25%

Team Perk
Round Trip
Throwing Stars return to you, dealing their damage again on the way back. REQUIRES: 2 Ninjas of Legendary or higher rarity
Unlocked by: The Cloaked Star (Blockbuster Event Quest)
Support Team
Trained Throw
Decreases Throwing Stars energy cost by 33%
Requires commander with Throwing Stars ability
Corrosive Stars
Throwing Stars apply energy affliction dealing 3 base energy damage per second for 6 seconds. Stacks to a maximum of 3
Requires commander with Throwing Stars ability
Return Of The Dragon
Decreases Dragon Slash energy cost by 30%
Requires commander with Dragon Slash ability
Rapid Fire
Decreases Throwing Stars cooldown by 30%
Requires commander with Throwing Stars ability
Fan Of Stars
Throw all Throwing Stars together in an arc. Adds 1 additional star
Requires commander with Throwing Stars ability


Throwing Stars


Best build for throwing stars!! GO NINJAS!!! STW name: kujbi


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