Infinite Lafty

By d1onp4r

Double Agent Evelynn
Where's Lefty +

Every pistol elimination decreases cooldown of Lefty and Righty by 5 second(s)

Team Perk
Happy Holidays
Reduces your Ability cooldowns by 40%. Stacks independently from other cooldown reduction perks.
Unlocked by: Jilly Teacup (Misfit Toys Questline)
Support Team
Bang And Pow
Increases Lefty and Righty damage by 25%
Requires commander with Lefty and Righty ability
Absolutely Stunning
Lefty and Righty shots have a 37.5% chance to Stun the target for 2 seconds.
Requires commander with Lefty and Righty ability
Hand Cannons
Every 10 Lefty and Righty shots spawn a Cannon Ball, dealing 51 base Physical damage.
Requires commander with Lefty and Righty ability
Zip And Zap
Lefty and Right applies affliction which deals 13 base energy damage per second for 3 seconds
Requires commander with Lefty and Righty ability
Increases pistol damage by 17%


Lefty and Righty


My unlimeted lefty and righty loadout


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