Reduces your Ability cooldowns by 40%. Stacks independently from other cooldown reduction perks.
Unlocked by: Jilly Teacup (Misfit Toys Questline)
Support Team
Ain't Done Yet
Increases Goin' Commando duration by 5 seconds
Requires commander with Goin' Commando!!! ability
First Cup of the Day
While Goin' Commando is active, increase Crit Rating by 10 and Crit Damage by 100%.
Requires commander with Goin' Commando!!! ability
Mad Tidings
Firing a ranged weapon grants 1 stack of Holiday Spirit, up to 50 stacks. Each stack of Holiday Spirit increases ranged weapon damage by 1% but decreases weapon stability by 0.2%. Buff removed on weapon swap or reload
Start Up
Every shot increases ranged weapon damage by 1%, up to a maxmimum of 25 stacks. Switching weapons or reloading removes buff.
Eliminations heal you for 39 base health for over 3 seconds. Duration refreshes with additional eliminations