Each elimination during Warcry extends its Duration by 0.9 seconds, up to a maximum of 15 eliminations. Additionally, enjoy a rockin' Bass solo
Team Perk
Cool Customer
With Stay Frosty active, using an ability reduces cooldown of all abilities by 3 seconds and ends Stay Frosty.
REQUIRES: 5 heroes of Rare or higher rarity
Unlocked by: Master Grenadier Ramirez (Base Game)
Support Team
Combatants Might
Decreases War Cry energy cost by 38%
Requires commander with War Cry ability
Practiced In Combat
Increases War Cry duration by 3 seconds
Requires commander with War Cry ability
Mighty Roar
Increases War Cry radius by 25%
Requires commander with War Cry ability
Decreases War Cry cooldown by 17%
Requires commander with War Cry ability
Fight Or Flight
War Cry grants 8.5% additional weapon damage and 8.5% movement speed.